Thursday, February 07, 2008

Time Travel, When and How?

Scientists consider time as another dimension like length, width and height. Following Einstein's revolutinary theory of relativity, Space and time are tangled together in a sort of a four-dimensional fabric called Space-Time. Any object with a mass in this universe causes a dimple in this Space-time fabric, which bends to accomodate this mass. This bending is what causes the objects to move in a curved path and this curvature of space the 'Gravity'. One can move backwards or forwards in the three spatial dimensions but not the case in time. One can only move forwards in time.

So why is it not possible to travel time at our own speed and direction?

It is possible to travel time, Theoritically atleast. The idea that excites me the most is this Black hole theory. Black holes are regions in space resulting from the collapse of a star. These are regions with extremly high gravitational field. These are considered as worm holes, a tunnel which links to a completely different space and time. It is also theoritically possible to create a worm hole. To create this hole in space-time, we would require high amount of energy which could be equal to that of sevaral giant stars. Though with the current knowledge and facilities its only possible to hypothesize regarding this, a time might come when mankind will have advanced this technology and at that time we can travel time just like we travel space.

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