Thursday, February 07, 2008

Some interesting facts

We used to say we will be there in a jiffy. Well, what is "JIFFY". Jiffy is 1/100th of a second.

Diamonds were first discovered in India 4 millenia ago.

Most simplest and the most common Element/Atom in the universe is Hydrogen.

Francium is the most rarest element.

PNEUMONO­ULTRA­MICRO­SCOPIC­SILICO­VOLCANO­CONIOSIS or PNEUMONO­ULTRA­MICRO­SCOPIC­SILICO­VOLCANO­KONIOSIS is the longest word in English dictionary. For more info on this disease, please click on Medicine in the side bar. Some consider this term as Medical term and dont consider as the longest word.

According to Guinness book, Floccinaucinihilipilification, meaning 'estimating something as worthless' is the longest word.
posted by B.K.N at 8:40 AM links to this post

New York Times printed Hercule Poirot's obituary on the front page in 1975. Hercule Poirot was a fictional detective created by Agatha Christie. He was the first fictional character to appear in New york times obituary.

Study of laughing and smiling is "GELOTOLOGY"

Hiccups is also called Singultus.

Vatican city is the only country which is completely surrounded by a city-Rome.

Sinophobia is fear of China and Chinese.

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